
Printable Valentine Day Cards | Valentine Day Photo Cards

Printable Valentine Day Cards:

Printable valentine day cards are cheaper as well as beautiful and heat-touching. Valentine day printable cards are noticed selling in massive quantity throughout the globe. Valentine's Day is the unique day of the year when people celebrate the feelings of Love. This festival has had loving response for a long period of time and has its background in past history. Legend has it that a saint by the name of Valentine, who worked for Claudius the 2nd in the 3rd century, was a promoter of love. Claudius the 2nd has forbidden his soldiers from getting married as he believed that marriage would ruin their War mentality and make them soft. When St. Valentine found out he decided to help the soldiers in love by secretly marrying them off to their partners and thereby fulfilling their wishes. When Claudius found out he was livid and imprisoned the saint and ordered him to be beheaded. Another version of the Saint's story claims that Valentine was in love with the jailer's daughter and sent letters that ended with "Your Valentine". That is how the day got its name and became synonymous with the declaration of love. The festival of Valentine's Day was made an official holiday in 496 AD by Pope Gelasius. Valentine greeting cards have been associated with this day for centuries and it is said that the oldest valentine greeting can still be found at the British Museum. Over time the festival has evolved and has gone on to include various things like greetings, gifts, chocolates etc. History of Valentine Day is fascinating.


